Thursday, April 25, 2013

Group Differences

I enjoyed the group differences discussion today. I feel like I learned a lot with everyone's various opinions, views, and experiences. I feel like all of the articles and topics were really informative and important to discuss. It seemed like we covered a lot of the problems that we might see in the classroom. I really liked learning about the Critical Race Theory. Since this was my group, I was able to delve deeper in the topic and really learn different viewpoints. I was really interested in the disabilities topic as well. I feel like people had very different experiences with their internships and interacting people with disabilities, which led to a great discussion. Since I will be working with children with disabilities, I found some of these discussions somewhat disturbing, however, I am glad that we were able to talk about how that is not the correct way to handle children with disabilities. I think we will all be better prepared to handle these situations in the classroom in the "real world". I also liked how we were able to discuss the material more and bring personal and relatable experiences in to the discussion.

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