Thursday, January 17, 2013

M. McMahan PLE 1

This class seems very interesting. As an interpreting major, I am excited to see more of the teachers' perspectives. Through this course I hope to learn more about how to deal with some difficulties that might arise in the classroom. I think taking this class, and learning more about the teaching methods, will help in interpreting as well. If I can better understand the methods and ways educators will be teaching, I can better interpret for the teacher and student. When coming into the class, I thought I would not be learning anything, because the class was mostly for teachers, but after thinking about it, and knowing the topics we will be talking about I believe this will be very beneficial. I would like to know more about how the education majors in the class think they will be organizing their classroom. By understanding how they will be conducting the classes, I feel like it will help me to better interpret and help the student to better understand.

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